Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What's wrong with T.V.?

What’s wrong with T.V.? Lots of things. I’m not saying I don’t watch T.V. and that it is all bad, but I really do think it has helped ruin society today. Things have become exceptable because it is on T.V. and actors have done it. The first thing that is wrong with T.V., is that it isolates us. Second, it has made criminal act seem like it is ok to do. Third, we believe that our lives are so boring compared to the lives of characters on T.V. what is wrong with these things? T.V. has literally changed the lives of all who watch, and make unacceptable things acceptable, which includes being “anti-social”.

The first thing T.V. has done to the world is that it isolates us and makes us somewhat “socially awkward”. When the T.V. is on in my house, (and I am sure this is the case in many households) is that whoever is the one watching the T.V. is totally unaware of what is happening around them. For example, when my dad is watching something on T.V., I become a little mosquito buzzing in his ear. He doesn’t pay attention to me or what I am saying. I am not saying it is only me. He ignores everyone. I don’t even know if you can say “ignore”, he just has no idea you are there. He is oblivious. Even if I say “Hi” to him and ask him how his day at work was, he doesn’t respond and then about ten minutes later he says, “What? Did you say something?” Then I respond with my usual, “Only about ten minutes ago! Never mind, I will ask you when you’re done…” To me, this proves one of the inconveniences of T.V.

The second thing T.V. has done to the world is that it has made criminal act seem like it is ok to do. T.V. has characters that are dealing drugs, and smuggling things illegally, and sneaking into government facilities when no one is looking, and punching someone and stealing their identity, and stealing, and breaking into houses, and killing people with guns and making it seem like it is no big deal, when people are really dropping like flies. There is so much violence and criminal activities in T.V. shows now days that it makes us think our lives should be more exciting.

The third thing T.V. has done to the world is that we believe that our lives are so boring compared to the lives of characters on T.V. I think that my life is pretty exciting and busy. I have tons of things I have to do and I play the piano, tumble, cheer, play the guitar, dance, and sing. That is a lot of things to be doing and I barely have time for school and homework, yet I feel like my life is boring compared to the life of those on T.V. The problem with this is that people with certain personalities (not me, of course) will want to have an exciting life like those on T.V., that they will start doing some of the activities the T.V. allow us to watch. They will start taking drugs, and killing people, and stealing, etc.

In conclusion, T.V. has ruined our society. Because of it we are lazy, oblivious, but yet we want to make our lives more exciting by participating in illegal activities. I think if we all could watch less T.V., or at least watch shows with an uplifting message, the world would literally be a better place.

My Christmas Poem (I got a "certificate" for it!)

Christmas is beauty,
And beauty is Christmas.

Light hearted music
With a familiar melody,
Echoes in the distance.

It’s the beauty of Christmas!

The snow-capped roofs
And bright lights of
Red and green shine
In the ebony night.

It’s the beauty of Christmas!

Scented candles, burning
Logs in the hearth, and
Sweet smelling pines
Convey Christmas

It’s the beauty of Christmas!

Sugary candy canes,
Savory chocolate
Oranges, and frigid
Flakes of snow
That drop on my
Tongue envelop me
In childhood memories.

It’s the beauty of Christmas!

The bleak, wintry
Breeze whispers
In my ear, chilling my
Pale skin.

It’s the beauty of Christmas!

This is a past essay that I think I did pretty well on! I think I was pretty convincing! :)

Your opinion of the book, The Pigman, forms depending on your personality. I personally, don’t think that The Pigman should be taught in school. It is a poor excuse for a book (I think) because when I think of books, I think of excitement, romance, intensity, “cute stories”, or “tummy-ticklers”. When I read a book I want to be able to feel like I am watching the book as a movie. Like it is playing over in my head and I can picture exactly what the scenes look like, and what the characters look like, and what the colors are. I want to also feel the emotion. I want to cry when someone dies, or when someone looses a friend, or when someone leaves forever and never comes back, or when the characters are heart-broken. I want to be scared when a stranger is in the house or someone was murdered. I want to have “tingles” in my “tummy” when someone just had their first kiss. The Pigman however did not do one thing for me. It wasn’t exciting, descriptive, intense or anything like that, but it also had a poor story line. First, John and Lorraine are bad examples on teenagers today. Second, there isn’t any point to the story. Third, they create an illusion about life. I don’t think that this book has any importance.
The first reason this book should not be read in public schools is that John and Lorraine are bad examples and influences on teenagers today. John drinks alcohol and smokes, which may influence the readers. They may think that because they are reading a book in school and a character makes a bad choice, that makes it ok. They may also get the impression that because John and Lorraine skip school, our schools must be sending a message that it’s ok to do also. This is one negative demonstration in this book, but is not the only one.
Second, this book has no point to it. Just because two teenagers had a certain experience and want to write it down, doesn’t give this importance. The story takes a long time to get to the point. John and Lorraine write about how they met, and the porcelain unmentionable bomber, and the cricket, but not Mr. Pignati. I would have liked if they would have given us more background on him, if they insisted on telling their whole life stories. After reading the book, I still don’t understand what the point of it was. Was the point to tell us that Mr. Pignati died? Or was it because they felt guilty and felt that they needed to give us excuses why they didn’t kill him? They tried to make us believe it wasn’t their fault.
Third, they create an illusion about life. They make it seem like life is easy. They make it seem like adults are always horrible. They make it seem like they can avoid parents. They want us to believe that even if you make a bad choice and get in trouble, that your parents won’t care.
In conclusion, The Pigman should not be taught in schools because John and Lorraine are bad examples teenagers, the story is not important, and they create an illusion about life. The Pigman is not a good book to be taught in schools.

Crazy things with my friend!

My friend and I are so crazy!!!! Let me explain…Have you ever been sitting around the house with a friend, just staring at them saying, “What do you want to do??” Then the general response is, “I don’t know, what do you want to do?” And it goes on…and on, but back to my point of writing this paragraph. When we are sitting on the floor, pulling the “What do you want to do?” trick, crazy ideas pop into our heads, and that is just what we do. One time, the first crazy thing that we though of, was to jump into her pool with jeans a sweatshirt, and slippers! So guess what we did? JUST THAT!!! We raced out to her backyard, and jumped right into her open pool! The second time we found our selves staring at each other sitting on the floor trying to decide what to do, we decided that we wanted to lay on her kitchen floor and smear butter all over our arms, face, hands, feet, and legs. We couldn’t even breathe because we were laughing so hard! It was pretty entertaining. It actually made our skin really soft! Who needs to go to a professional salon to get soft skin? Next, we were really really hungry, but we didn’t know what we wanted to eat. We couldn’t agree with anything that we could make, and we couldn’t think of anything that sounded good to us. So guess what we did? We made pasta and soup. Not just any pasta and soup though! We played a game that we both agreed to. We both had to make a soup and pasta, but we couldn’t use a recipe and we couldn’t use measurements. We just had to make it up! It turns out it was pretty good! Who knew we were such good cooks? Next, we decided that we would put shaving cream on the bathroom walls, just for fun!! But…we still needed to get out of her house and do something… we decided to run around her neighborhood with blankets as capes, singing the Batman theme song. We got very tired, and stopped to rest on a lawn in her neighborhood. We laid for hours talking and laughing until it got dark outside, so we went along with it and watched the stars….that became a tradition, and we do it every weekend. When we went back inside, we ate crazy, gross, disgusting foods. One was Hershey’s chocolate syrup on hotdogs…IT WAS SO GROSS!!! She thought it was pretty good though….sweet and salty…talk about cankers!

So next time you are sitting with your friend on the floor of your living room, think of the craziest thing you could possibly do at that exact moment, then do it! Go for it! Don’t you dare let someone tell you that you can’t because it is “too crazy” or “you would look like stupid retards” or “what will so-and-so say?” Trust me. We do whatever we think of as soon as it comes to mind, even if it does seem crazy. Crazy people have more fun in life though! The crazier the better!