Sunday, September 20, 2009

500 word Essay

We all have experiences. Some are good, some bad, some are wanted, and some are unwanted, but when we look back on them they make us realize we wouldn't be who we are today, without necessary experiences and trials. They help us grow and become stronger. This past summer it was my opportunity to have an unwanted experience. I had back surgery for scoliosis.
Scoliosis is when you have a curvature of the spine. It runs in my family, and is hereditary. My parents both had the same surgery when they were young. It was a challenging experience and recovery process for them. My two older sisters had this surgery, and I knew eventually I would have to have it also.
I began having doctors’ appointments at the beginning of December of last year. I first got the angle of my spine measured to find the degree, and to see if it was serious enough to get operated on. A month later, I went to the specialist and when they measured it again, we found that it curved seven degrees from the previous measurement. At that point I was nervous, thinking about how soon I would have to have the operation, and if I could wait until summer do get it. I didn’t want to have to miss school, but I didn’t want my back to be so crooked to the point it was noticeable to others. After many appointments, we set the surgery date for the beginning of the summer so I didn’t have to miss school, and so I could be recovered for the next school year.
The surgery came on June third. I felt very calm, knowing that my doctor had done this operation many times before. I remember saying goodbye to my parents, and walking down the bright hall, to the operation room. I lay on the table, and as the anesthetic began to take effect, I drifted off into a deep sleep. The operation process was about five hours long, which seemed like no time at all for me. I woke up, and had very little pain, which was a comfort to both my parents. I stayed in the hospital for six days. I had many visitors, and received many flowers and other gifts. I was never alone. My dad stayed with me during the night, and my mom was constantly by my side during the day. I had very nice nurses who were hovering over me, asking what they could do to help me. I realized how many people I have in my life to show love and support in my life when I need it most. The love and kindness was particularly important to me when the medications wore off and the pain was more intense.
The pain was excruciating at times. I was in a position where the pain was all I could think of. I had a problem with a nerve in my hip and leg, that no one else in my family has had a problem with when they had the surgery. I felt like my recovery was much more difficult for me, than it was for my sisters. When the time came, I got to come home; and the nerve became a larger problem. It took me about a month before I could sit up comfortably. But through the challenge I was able to learn important lessons.
I have learned from this experience that I can overcome pain and hardships. I was able to bond with my parents, in a unique way, because they were attending to every need. I realized that my parents have more love for me that I ever would have realized without this experience.
Though hardships and trials are often unwanted, we need them to become the person we need to be. We grow and become stronger through these challenges.

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